Gyn Care 101: What to know about seeing a gynecologist
When should you see a gynecologist? The answer is simple in some ways, more complicated in others. If you’re a woman or a person with female reproductive organs, experts recommend that you start seeing a gynecologist when you become sexually active, or at least once before the age of 21. Good gyn care, as this […]
Strong legs help power summer activities: Hiking, biking, swimming, and more
My favorite summer activities officially kick in when the calendar flips to May. It’s prime time for open water swimming, running, cycling, hiking, and anything else that gets me outside and moving. Yet, my first step is to get my legs in shape. “Legs are the foundation for most activities,” says Vijay Daryanani, a physical […]
What is a successful mindset for weight loss maintenance?
In today’s calorie-rich, ultra-processed, movement-sparing, chronic stress-inducing, so-called “toxic” environment, losing weight is hard work. But implementing a healthy and sustainable approach that keeps the weight off is even harder. Short-term weight loss can be easier than long-term weight maintenance Most of us can successfully achieve weight loss in the short term. But those who […]
Finding balance: 3 simple exercises to steady your steps
A healthy life requires balance — and not just in a metaphorical sense. Being able to maintain physical balance is crucial to performing everyday activities from going up and down the stairs to reaching for an item on a shelf at the supermarket. But while many people squeeze in a daily walk and may even […]
Swimming lessons save lives: What parents should know
Before going any further, here’s the main thing parents should know about swimming lessons: all children should have them. Every day, about 11 people die from drowning in the United States. Swimming lessons can’t prevent all of those deaths, but they can prevent a lot of them. A child doesn’t need to be able to […]
The formula shortage is hurting families: What parents should know and do
It’s terrifying to think about not being able to feed your baby — and right now, with the baby formula shortage, parents all over the country are feeling exactly that terror. The supply chain for baby formula had been tenuous for some time, but when Abbott Pharmaceuticals recalled many of their formula products — and […]
An action plan to fight unhealthy inflammation
Although inflammation serves a vital role in the body’s defense and repair systems, chronic inflammation can cause more harm than good. And that may make you wonder: what can I do about it? In fact, there’s a lot you can do. And you may already be doing it. That’s because some of the most important […]
Summer camp 2022: Having fun and staying safe
It’s time to make summer plans, and for many families those plans include summer camp. After the past couple of years, the idea of getting out of the house, being active, and seeing other children sounds very appealing. While COVID-19 is still with us, vaccines and the fact that so many people have gotten sick […]
French fries versus almonds: Calorie for calorie, which comes out on top?
In a perfect world, indulging in a daily portion of French fries instead of almonds would be a simple choice, and no negative consequences would stem from selecting the salty, deep-fried option. But a Harvard expert says we should take the findings of a new study supporting this scenario with, er, a grain of salt. […]